Deno Wikipedia CLI

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Deno 1.0 was released on May, 13, 2020. As a developer who is passionate about cutting edge technology, I am so exited to see how can Deno "destroy Node.js".

I have created a CLI called "wikipedia-cli" which you can:

  1. Search for Wikipedia page through your terminal
  2. Get a random Wikipedia page

The Deno community is not mature yet, so there is not much tutorials or examples I can found. I have to went through all the documentations, pull requests and Github issues to find the information I need. Sometimes I even need to dig into the source code to understand how Deno works.

While integrating with Wikipedia REST API, I discovered a bug in Deno's fetch API, which blocks me from implementing the main feature of this CLI. Unfortunately without knowledge in Rust, I decided to open an issue and wait for the fix to release.

However the lucky thing is, after opening the issue, it has been fixed and released on the next day, so I was able to complete this CLI within 3 days.

Screenshot of terminal running Deno Wikipedia CLI