HTML Inline Script Webpack Plugin


HTML Inline Script Webpack Plugin is a project that I started working on to address my need where I could produce a single HTML bundle generated by webpack that includes all CSS and JavaScript code within it. While exploring similar solutions, I came across the script provided by react-dev-tools. However, I wanted the solution to be framework-independent and lightweight.

As the solution was intended for personal use, I did not promote the plugin. However, to my surprise, I began receiving bug reports and feature requests from other developers. This unexpected attention prompted me to further refine and enhance the plugin to cater to a wider audience. I found great joy in maintaining the plugin as an open-source project, as it allowed me to contribute to the developer community and help others with similar needs. This also pushes me to continually expand my knowledge and expertise in order to address issues and feature requests effectively.

Screenshot of HTML Inline Script Webpack Plugin npm page