Data Structures and Algorithms
Table of contents
Asymptotic Notation
Big O Notation (TBC)
Data Structures
Array and Linked List
Searching Algorithms
Sequential Search
Binary Search
Sorting Algorithms
Selection Sort
24. Swap Nodes in Pairs
Approach 1: Recursive Approach
Approach 2: Iterative Approach
136. Single Number
Approach 1: List operation
Approach 2: Hash Table
Approach 3: Math
Approach 4: Bit Manipulation
202. Happy Number
Approach 1: Detect Cycles with a HashSet
Approach 2: Floyd's Cycle-Finding Algorithm
Approach 3: Hardcoding the Only Cycle
206. Reverse Linked List
Approach 1: Iterative
Approach 2: Recursive
344. Reverse String
Approach 1: Recursion, In-Place
Approach 2: Two Pointers, Iteration
Supplementary Readings
Published with GitBook
Table of contents
Table of contents
Asymptotic Notation
Big O Notation (TBC)
Data Structures
Array and Linked List
Searching Algorithms
Sequential Search
Binary Search
Sorting Algorithms
Selection Sort
24. Swap Nodes in Pairs
Approach 1: Recursive Approach
Approach 2: Iterative Approach
136. Single Number
Approach 1: List operation
Approach 2: Hash Table
Approach 3: Math
Approach 4: Bit Manipulation
202. Happy Number
Approach 1: Detect Cycles with a HashSet
Approach 2: Floyd's Cycle-Finding Algorithm
Approach 3: Hardcoding the Only Cycle
206. Reverse Linked List
Approach 1: Iterative
Approach 2: Recursive
344. Reverse String
Approach 1: Recursion, In-Place
Approach 2: Two Pointers, Iteration
Supplementary Readings
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